
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

P'Jamerz Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.  

Do you have a child that struggles to go to bed at night?  I have 2 that have this problem once in awhile.  What do you do to help comfort them at bedtime?  I know it can be a challenge.  Shauntay Michaels has come up with a really great idea to help get your kiddos to bed easily at night.  She has come up with P'Jamerz.  This is a story and stuffed toy combination that helps comfort your child at bedtime.  I love this!

I received a P'Jamerz book and two stuffed toys that go along with the book.  This is a perfect read for bedtime for any child.  The book is written kind of like a comic book format.  The book talks about how your imagination can play tricks on you at bedtime.  It also talks about keeping only happy things in your child's dreams at bedtime.  My kids really enjoyed the book and they love the stuffed toys.  The stuffed toys are perfect for your child to sleep with too.  It helps remind them that if they are scared that it is just their imagination.

Did you know that P'Jamerz currently has a kickstarter campaign too?  You can learn more about how to become a part of this here.  You only need to be able to pledge $5 or more to get started.

Do you know a child that would benefit or enjoy a P'Jamerz book and stuffed toy?  You can learn more about P'Jamerz by visiting their website.  You can also connect with P'Jamerz on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255. 

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