
Sunday, December 28, 2014 - Eye Glasses Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

We recently took my 7 year old to get her eyes examined.  Her prescription changed drastically in a year.  We were told she has a rapidly changing prescription, and it can actually change as often as every three months.  What do you do when you want high quality glasses, but do not want to pay a fortune?  I turned to  This is a place that we have gotten prescription glasses from previously, and they are great.  Their lenses and frames are great, and they are super reasonable.

My daughter chose a cute pair of frames from  She chose the Nova Kids LO5022.  This style is fun, and stylish.  They are also comfortable for her to wear all day long.  They are durable too.  That really is important to me when I am buying prescription glasses for a child.  The frames are lightweight, and they also have spring hinges in the arms.  The frames are available in a variety of color options.  The lenses are durable too.  They really offer a great deal when you shop with  Their glasses are also perfect if you are in need of a spare pair.  The frame my daughter chose is actually one of the free frames that they offer.  The lenses are free on these as well, and you simply pay a shipping fee.  We truly are impressed with these frames.  My daughter absolutely loves them, and I think she looks adorable in them.

You can learn more about all of the frame and lens options that has to offer by visiting their website.  You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255. 


  1. Thanks for the review, I love the different styles of glasses they have!

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