
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Melissa's Produce - Citrus Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

Melissa's Produce offers amazing produce.  You are really missing out if you haven't tried it.  Their produce is super fresh, and delicious.  They offer fruits and veggies that are really impressive.  They have a huge selection of products and some of them can even be shipped right to your door.  I was so excited that citrus season started.  I love super fresh citrus fruit.  Melissa's offers so many great varieties too!

Blood Oranges

Cara Cara Oranges

 Jeju Mandarin

Melissa's oranges are amazing.  I am always impressed with them.  They are juicy and sweet.  Their Cara Cara oranges are so good.  These are a naval orange that has pink flesh.  My kids always get a kick out of the color of the inside of these.  Melissa's also offers blood oranges.  These are also a favorite in our house.  They have a reddish color to the flesh.  These are also super juicy and sweet.  They are also really pretty.  The Jeju Mandarins from Melissa's are new to me, but we loved them too.  These are an easy to peel mandarin.  They are mild in flavor, and very sweet.  They are the perfect addition to any school lunch.

I also love to use other citrus fruits in cooking.  I love Melissa's key limes in my dishes.  They are perfect to squeeze on seafood.  They are great to add to a glass of water too.  These limes are tiny, and they have a great flavor, and a hint of sweetness to them.  Have you ever tried Melissa's Meyer lemons?  I love these because they are super juicy.  They have a thin skin, and it makes it easy for squeezing.  These lemons have an excellent flavor.

These are just some of the great varieties of produce that Melissa's has to offer.  You can visit their website to learn more or order.  You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255. 

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