
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Car Seat Organizer Review #Jemsly

Disclosure - free sample provided.

I swear that my car is a mess right after I clean it up.  It really frustrates me.  It is hard to keep your car clean and organized when you have kids.  How do you keep all the necessities that you keep in your car organized?  I have tried a few things, but until recently I didn't find anything that really worked.

I want to introduce you to a really great car organizer that I received.  I have 2 kids and they are always asking me to hand them this and that.  I tell them that it will have to wait because I am driving.  This car seat organizer has really cut down on the amount of passing things back and forth in the car.  My kids have everything they need right in front of them.  The organizer is easy to use.  You simply attach it on the headrest of the seat.  The organizer then hangs on the back of the seat.  The organizer is adjustable, so this makes it great for any vehicle.  This car seat organizer has a variety of different compartments.  This is nice for me for our electronics, tissues, chapsticks, hand sanitizer, or whatever else I may need to keep in the car.  

You can learn more about this car seat organizer, or order your own by checking it out on Amazon.  The organizer currently retails for $16.99.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

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