
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Easy Peasy Patches Review #EasyPeasyPatches

Disclosure - free sample provided.

Do you hate to sew when it comes to patches?  These can really be tough to sew onto items.  Patches are fun to use to add some style to a variety of items.  They are also great if you have a child that is rough on clothing, and you want to make it last a little bit longer.  Easy Peasy Patches are a great alternative to patches that are usually sewn on.  These are so much easier to apply to clothing, bags, lunchbags, and much more.  They add a little bit of fun to whatever you apply them too.  

Easy Peasy Patches are available in a variety of style options.  These are great for boys and girls.  My daughter fell in love with these and had to add a few to her clothing.  She actually helped me apply the patches to her clothes.  We added a fun "LOL" patch to a shirt of hers.  We also added a striped patch to a pair of shorts to cover up a little hole she had in them.  The end result was a fun look that she enjoyed.  The patches simply are placed onto the item you want to apply it too.  The patches have an adhesive backing.  You put the item with the patch in your dryer for about 10 minutes to make sure it stays put.  The patch is then adhered to the article and very durable.  You can even continue to wash the article of clothing, and there is no worries of it lifting.  Pretty neat!

Easy Peasy Patches can be purchased directly from their website, but you can also keep an eye out for these at Walmart!  You can also connect with Easy Peasy Patches on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

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