
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Disney Live - Three Classic Fairy Tales - Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

Are you and your children big Disney fans?  Disney Live is a great show to see then!  Disney Live - Three Classic Fairy Tales is a great family friendly show that provides so much entertainment.  It is great for young children, but I enjoyed the show too.  My 8 year old was truly enjoyed the show!  This show is the perfect length for little ones.  They also have a short intermission.  This is a great way to take a break and get some snacks.  I suggest getting to the show a little bit early so you have time to get over to the concession booths and also find your seats.  

Disney Live - Three Classic Fairy Tales incorporates music, dance, lights, special effects, and of course great Disney characters.  We went to the Disney Live show last year when it came to Vegas.  It was impressive.  We were also impressed this year.  I personally love that this is not a super lengthy show.  It is the perfect length for little kids that can's stay seated for long periods of time.  

Disney Live - Three Classic Fairy Tales features classic Disney stories.  These come to life right in front of you.  These are the stories I grew up with, and it is really neat to see my 8 year old enoying them now too.  The show includes Cinderella.  This is a fun story that includes music and dance.  It includes great characters.  I love the singing mice!  They were absolutely adorable.  

The show also includes the story of Snow White.  We loved this part of the show.  My daughter and I had big smiles on our faces when the seven dwarfs made their appearance.  They were really so much fun to see!  

The last fairy tale featured in this Disney Live show was Beauty and the Beast.  We enjoyed seeing all of the dancing characters.  They even had dancing silverware.  They really did an excellent job bringing the beast to life.  Belle was absolutely beautiful too!

The end of the show had a finale where all the characters came out!  It was really cute.  Micky and Minnie even made a special appearance here!  I would definitely suggest checking this show out if it is coming to a town near you.  It is great if you or your child love anything Disney!

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.

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