
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Strong and Kind by Korie Robertson with Chrys Howard

Disclosure - free sample provided.

Raising a child can be challenging in the world today.  Korie Robertson's new book, Strong and Kind is a great resource that is an inspiration for raising a child with morals.  Strong and Kind teaches you how she raised children to be Strong and Kind.  It also teaches you other important character traits your child needs to succeed.  This book also contains stories and wisdom from Willie Robertson.  

Do you think it is important to raise good kids that know right from wrong?  This book touches just on that.  I think this is something that is lacking in the world today.  This book explains just how Korie and Willie raised their children to be "good kids."  Some of the other traits that Korie thinks are important to teach are . . . . 

self control






and humility.  

She feels that by being a good role model for your child that you will teach them.  This truly is a great idea.  

copy below provided 

Book Description

What Legacy Will You Pass Down To The Next Generation?
“After being a parent for twenty years, I have come to believe that the most important thing for parents to decide—more important than bottle or breastfeeding, more important than co-sleeping or sleep training, and even more important than whether to put your child in day care or become a stay-at-home parent—is what values are important to your family and how you will go about instilling those values in your children.”
In Strong and Kind Korie Robertson—with the help of her mom, Chrys Howard, and with insights and stories from her husband, Willie—introduces nine character traits that children need in order to lead a successful life. And though there are no perfect parents or perfect children, Korie shares principles—based on biblical wisdom and time-tested practices—that will help you parent your own one-of-a-kind child.
About the Author
Korie Robertson is a New York Times bestselling author, the wife of Duck Commander® CEO Willie Robertson and star of A&E's Duck Dynasty. A mother of five, Korie balances family life and her role at Duck Commander with several ventures of her own, including her retail store Duck & Dressing, overseeing licensing for the family's brands and philanthropic work with a children's home in the Dominican Republic, Help One Now and adoption and foster care advocacy in Louisiana. Her writing credits include Duck Commander Devotions for Kids, The Women of Duck Commander: Surprising Insights from the Women Behind the Beards About What Makes This Family Work, Faith Commander: Living Five Values from the Parables of Jesus and The Duck Commander Family: How Faith, Family, and Ducks Built a Dynasty. Follow online @bosshogswife or
Learn more about this book on Amazon.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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