
Monday, February 15, 2016

Monthly Pepper Box Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

I love spicy food!  My husband and I really enjoy trying new hot sauces.  The Monthly Pepper Box is a great way to do this.  I am in love with this subscription box.  They send you hand picked hot sauces right to your mailbox.  They send you hot sauces that you might not typically find in just a grocery store.  I have been impressed with the selection of hot sauces that I have received so far.  The Monthly Pepper Box is a great gift for spicy food addicts.  

I received my first box from the Monthly Pepper Box.  I had so much fun trying out the sauces in here.  My favorite so far is the Flamingo Fire hot sauce that I received.  This hot sauce has a great flavor, but a nice amount of heat.  I am very picky about my hot sauces.  I like them to not just be hot, but taste great too.  The Flamingo Fire hot sauce stood up to my expectations.  It is now one of my favorite hot sauces that I have.  

Your best friend in the pursuit of all things hot sauce, Monthly Pepper Box is like having a miniature hot sauce festival delivered to your door every month. Each month discover savory gems of artisan hot sauces for only $22. Every box, you'll get 3 bottles of succulent heat ranging from a "Low Burn" to "Call the Fire Department" from hot sauce companies you've never heard of. Get 10% off your membership (Gift & Ongoing) at Monthly Pepper Box. It's the perfect box for the Pepper Head in your life, especially if that Pepper Head is you!

Do you know someone that would love a subscription to Monthly Pepper Box.  You can visit the link here to learn more about ordering.  My readers also find out about special offers by visiting the link above.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.

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