
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Spooky Contacts for Halloween - Pinky Paradise Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

I love Halloween.  It is one of my favorite holidays.  I look forward to it every single year.  I enjoy dressing up just like my kids do.  What are you dressing up as for Halloween?  

Have you ever thought of adding to the excitement of your costume by wearing some fun, or spooky lenses just for Halloween?  I received a pair of great contacts from Pinky Paradise.  These are perfect for Halloween, but can be worn for fun too.  The pair I chose aren't necessarily spooky.  They are a bit different, but they do draw attention to your eyes.  

I chose Pinky Paradise's Twilight reborn lenses.  They add a big pop of color to your eyes.  They create a dramatic and beautiful effect.  They come in a variety of color options too.  What color would you choose?  I chose the blue.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.

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