
Request a Review

If you would like me to review your product please contact me by email at

I would love to discuss the review and giveaway options that I offer.  I know that every company is different, so please email me and we can set up the best way to promote your product together!  Reviews are typically posted within about 2 to 4 weeks of receiving the product.  I include detailed information about the product and about my experience with it.  I find that my readers enjoy seeing how the product used in real life.  Reviews will include links back to your website.  They also include links back to your Facebook page, Twitter page and you can request to have additional links for other social media sites as well.  Giveaways usually consist of having the reader tell me something they like or learned by visiting your website.  I also include having them like your Facebook page and follow on Twitter as a giveaway entry.  Once again if you want additional options added just ask!  

My reviews and giveaways are shared on my blog, but also on my Facebook page and on Twitter.  This spreads the word about your product even more.  

Here are some statistics that will give you an idea of how many people I reach. . . . 

Google Friend Connect Followers - 2,134
RSS Feed - 1,037
Twitter Followers - 4,300
Facebook Fans linked to my blog - 9,700
Monthly Unique Visitors - 4,000
Monthly Visitors - 18,000

All review posts include disclosure stating that I received a product for free in return for my opinion.  

About me - I am a stay at home mom to 2 great kids.  I have been blogging now for about 2 years.  I love it!  It allows me to share my opinion with people   I have had the opportunity to work with a number of amazing companies.  I have been introduced to so many wonderful products through blogging.  

Thank you for considering having me review your product and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

1 comment:

  1. The Product is good. Have a look at Ecommerce Websites Development
