
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Let Torani help you create your own coffeehouse favorites!

Today I received an awesome package of flavored syrups from Torani.  My package included two awesome flavors.  I received the Peppermint and Salted Caramel flavors.  YUM!  The syrup comes in so many flavors that there is one out there for pretty much everyone.  For those of you that stay away from sugar they make some sugar free varieties. 

It has finally cooled down a bit here and my kids and I decided to make some hot chocolate and add a bit of Torani to it to add some extra flavor.  Both my kids chose the Peppermint and loved it.  I tasted a sip and it was great.  You can't go wrong with chocolate and peppermint.  I decided to try the Salted Caramel flavor Torani in my hot chocolate.  I was actually afraid that I might not like it, but it was great.  It added just a hint of Caramel flavor.  I will say that I wouldn't add too much.  I only added about a 1/4 teapson of the Torani syrup per 6 oz cup of hot chocolate.

Torani is great to use in hot chocolate, coffee, italian sodas, milk, milkshakes and ice cream.  You can even make cocktails with it.  I will say that one of our family favorites is to make snow cones with it in the summer.  I actually have a bottle of the Peach in my pantry just for that.  If you check our the Torani website there are so many recipes for all different tastes.  The possibilities are endless.

What would you use Torani for or what recipe sounds good to you?

You can get a 10% discount on the Torani website by using offer code "shespeaks."

I did receive 2 bottles of Torani compliments of SheSpeaks and coupons to share with my family and friends.  All opinions are 100% my own as always.


  1. Great! Love the snow cone idea, have to try it now!

  2. It has such a better flavor than snow cone syrup!

  3. Snow cones sound good. Will have to try that one!

  4. Thanks for visiting Back Porchervations and the follow. I"m now following you back on GFC and Twitter. I love those syrups! I used to manage a mall coffee bar and we could have any drink on the menu for free while we were on the clock and I would get a white chocolate peppermint die for!

  5. Mmm, love this stuff. I wish I wasn't such a sweet tooth.
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog for the Terrific Thursday blog hop.

    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  6. Great post! This is a great kit from Shespeaks!

  7. Thanks for the discount code can't wait to use it.

  8. I LOVE the Peppermint Torani in hot chocolate. Super yummy!
    Following you back from Finding New Friends Blog Hop. =) Great blog you've got here!
    Will follow you on twitter too. You can find me on twitter @shopjustByou!

  9. I love torani syrups they are so tasty generally in my coffee. I am stopping by from my blog. You found me on the finding friends blog hop. Have a wonderful day. I followed you on GFC and twitter.

    Two Boys on the Run

    Healthy Family Fitness

  10. I have used Torani in coffee but never on a snow cone. Sounds great! I'll have to try that. Thank you again for your visit. I am visiting from the blog hop...returning the favor. :) I am following you now.

    Keeping Up-To-Date

  11. Hi, thank you for visiting and following my blog. Sorry it took me so long to respond and follow back. Anyway, great blog, I will definitely be coming back and will be keeping up on all your posts. Thanks and have a great day.


  12. That salted carmel sound amazing! Following you back from the Thursday blog hop. :)

  13. Yum I love Torani syrup, I've tried the caramel flavor in chilled coffee with milk.. mm! Thanks for the visit to my blog, I'm following you back :)
