
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Share your holiday recipe with Macy's for a chance to WIN!


Macy's has a recipe share contest going on right now on their Facebook page.  The best part is that you can share your very own favorite recipe for a chance to win $1000.  The winner will also have their recipe featured on Food Republic.

So start thinking about your family favorites and head over to Macy's Facebook page for your big chance to win.  Just follow these simple steps to enter.  You can enter from November 1, 2011 until November 30, 2011.  You can also vote for your favorites!  Here is what you need to do to enter. 

  • Go to the Macy's Facebook page
  • Click on the tab that says "Recipe Share"
  • Submit your own recipe
  • Make sure you share the contest on Facebook and Twitter
It sounds pretty easy doesn't it?  I hope you all head over and enter your favorite holiday recipe for your chance to win!  I know we all have our favorites around the holidays.  My favorite is homemade caramels dipped in dark chocolate.  I have to make them every year.  It just isn't the holidays without them.  Get your thinking caps on and once you have your recipe enter for a chance to win!  Good luck!

You can also join in on a Twitter Party on November 9, 2011 at 8pm EST.  Please come join us in the fun and get your favorite holiday recipes ready to share!  You can RSVP here!

The information about this contest was provided to me by SheSpeaks as I am a member of the SheSpeaks blogger society.  All opinions are completely my own as always.  You can find more information about the Macy's Recipe Share contest on Facebook.

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