
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Zillionz Talking Cash Register Teaches about Saving Review

My 5 and 7 year old love toys where they can pretend.  We received the Zillionz Talking Cash Register and they love pretending to play store with it.  It has kept them entertained for hours.  They take turns checking the customer out.  The Zillionz Cash Register is a great toy if you are looking to teach your child about money.  My son is learning about money at school, so this is excellent for him.  He can practice counting the money to see how much he needs to purchase something.  He's really enjoyed this.  I also like that you can use this to teach your child how to save money.  I have had to explain to my children many times that we just can't buy every single thing that we want an see.  I think that the Zillionz Talking Register can help you teach your children that.

The Zillionz Talking Cash Register retails for about $34.99.  It is recommended for ages 4 and older.  I think that is a great age to start teaching your child the value of a dollar.  So what does it do?  It speaks in 3 languages.  You can choose from English, French and Spanish.  Pretty neat!  My kids really like the handheld scanner.  The register comes with some barcodes and they have been putting them on various things and then they scan the barcode when they checkout.  It's really fun for them.  It also comes with cash in the drawer.  There are fake bills and coins. This is what is excellent if you have a child learning how to count money.  It really helps them to visualize how much something costs.  I like that as they scan items the register says the price to them, but it is also displayed on the register.  I also love the Credit Card that comes with it.  I have had a conversation with my son a few times about how Credit Cards work and how you have to make a payment when you get your bill.  My favorite part of all is the microphone.  I think this is the cutest thing.  The Zillionz Talking Cash Register has a microphone, so they can call for a price check!  Overall this is an excellent toy and I would recommend it.  It provides a lot of fun, but it also is a great learning tool.

Zillionz also offers other great toys geared towards teaching children about money.  They have a Counting Money Jar and a Savings Goal ATM.  

They also offer a great fun little guide with 10 steps for your child to become a Zillionaire!  It talks about things like setting a goal and spending wisely.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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