
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Delicious Citrus Fruit from Melissa's Produce

We eat so much fresh produce in our house.  I have reviewed a number of amazing produce items from Melissa's Produce.  Every single item that I have tried from them has been so good.  They offer super fresh fruits and veggies.  They are actually the largest distributor of produce in the US.  That is very impressive.  They are located in Los Angeles.  You have probably seen a number of their items in your local grocery store.  However, many of their products are available to purchase on their website too!  They offer really great gifts too on their website.  I love the idea of sending someone amazingly fresh Melissa's Produce as a healthy gift too.  I think just about anyone would be pleased with a gift from them and the best part is it's health conscious.

The Winter Season is an amazing time for citrus fruit.  My family loves citrus and we eat quite a bit of it.  Melissa's offers some of the best citrus that I have every had.  They even offer items that I haven't seen anywhere else.  They offer a number of specialty items that are really great!  I opened the box I received from Melissa's and I couldn't wait to try everything in the box.  

Melissa's sent me some amazing blood oranges.  If you haven't had a blood orange then you are missing out. They are so good and super sweet!  They are absolutely beautiful too.  They have a bright red color on the inside.  If you haven't had one before it can be a bit of a shock the first time you cut one open and see the bright red color.  My kids love these.  Melissa's blood oranges are super fresh and they come from California.  They are juicy, flavorful and not acidic.  My kids love these because they not only taste great, but they really are fun to eat with the bright red color!  

I also received some of Melissa's Cara Cara oranges.  These are really good too!  They are also a favorite in our house.  The Cara Cara orange is similar to a naval orange, but it is reddish in color.  This is also a beautiful orange for presentation purposes.  These are super sweet too.  The Cara Cara oranges from Melissa's are super fresh.  I also found them to be non acidic and just full of flavor.

Melissa's also offers some great Key Limes.  I love adding a squeeze of lime to my water to add flavor.  They are also great for cooking.  Have you ever used them to make a Key Lime Pie?  That is one of my favorites too!  I love Key Limes because they have a sweet taste.  These are a smaller lime too.  I love using them when I'm adding lime juice to my fajita marinade or to carne asada marinade.  How would you cook with them?  They are even great if you want a little squeeze of lime added to your beer!

My kids love tangerines because they have a sweeter and a little more mellow flavor.  I was so impressed with the Neapolitan Tangerines from Melissa's Produce.  This is a hybrid variety of the mandarin.  It is actually only available in limited quantities too.  These are very sweet and are a smaller mandarin.  These are actually the sweetest little tangerines I have ever had.  They are a big hit with kids too.  My kids like that they can peel them all by themselves and that they don't have to pull any seeds out of them.  

I also use a lot of lemon in my cooking.  I also love to add fresh lemon to my water.  Nobody likes seeds floating around in their water.  It can also be a pain to squeeze a lemon for cooking when it's full of seeds.  Melissa's offers Seedless Lemons.  I love these!  These are a hybrid lemon.  They are very flavorful and super fresh.

This next citrus fruit was a bit confusing to me when I tasted it.  How many of you are used to grapefruits that are sour and make you pucker?  I love grapefruit, but often I sweeten them with some sugar.  They can be acidic, so that is why I was confused when I tasted Melissa's Cocktail Grapefruit.  This is the most amazing grapefruit that I have ever had.  This grapefruit is so sweet that it's sweeter than most oranges that I have had.  There is absolutely no sugar needed with these.  It is super juicy and it has a very mild flavor.  These are actually a fruit that is a cross of a pummelo and a mandarin.  The flavor on these is like nothing else.  They are grown in California and they are a greenish yellow color.  

If you are a huge fan of citrus fruit and want to purchase your own you can visit Melissa's Produce to learn more about their delicious products.  You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter too!

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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