Monday, June 24, 2013

Colman's Mustard Review

Disclosure - free sample provided.

I remember as a kid that my mom and dad always had a yellow container of powdered Colman's Mustard in our spice cabinet.  I remember that they would mix some up when they made little appetizers when we would have guests.  I was more than excited when I was asked to do a review of Colman's Mustard.  I love sharing new brands with you, but I also love being able to share brands with you that have been a long time favorite of mine (that you might not know about).

Colman's Mustard is in no way your typical mustard.  It may be yellow, but it doesn't taste like regular table mustard.  It is mustard that has a kick to it.  This is a pure   This is an English mustard from Norwich.  It combines a blend of mustard seeds that creates a nice spicy mustard.  It even received Queen Victoria's approval in 1866.  Pretty Neat!

Colman's Mustard can be used as a condiment.  I love it for dipping.  It's great on things like chicken strips too.  I like that it is a low calorie condiment too.  However, it is packed with flavor.  My husband is not a big fan of most condiments.  He pretty much only uses mustard.  This is a favorite of his.  We love it on pretzels. Yum!

Colman's Mustard is available in a powdered variety, but also prepared.  Colman's Mustard can be used in a variety of different dishes too.  Their website has a great selection of recipes ranging from bbq sauce to salmon.  You can also add Colman's to your favorite recipes to give your meals some extra flavor and zip.  How would you use Colman's Mustard?

You can learn more about Colman's Mustard by visiting their website.  You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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