
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Limoneira Review and Lemon Pound Cake Recipe

Disclosure - free sample provided.

I have always loved the taste and smell of lemons.  They just are so fresh tasting and smelling.  I use lemons when it comes to cooking.  I use them in savory dishes, but also sweet.  I use lemons around the house too for cleaning and freshening the air.  I take my lemon peels from squeezed lemons and boil them in water.  This gives the house a super fresh smell.  I've also used lemon juice and baking soda to clean hard water stains.  I was very excited when I received some beautiful lemons from Limoneira.  I had so many great ideas on how to use my Limoneira lemons.  

Eureka Lemons

Pink Lemons

Meyer Lemons

If you don't know about the number of uses for lemons then visit Limoniera's website.  They have a very helpful section called "Unleash the Power of Lemons."  This is very helpful because it has so many great ideas on how to use lemons.  These are not as traditional as your typical lemonade.  Although, lemonade is super delicious.  The ideas range from how to whiten socks with the use of lemons to cleaning the microwave.  They also have recipes, beauty tips, and more.

Limoneira currently has a great contest they are holding.  They are running a Pucker Face Contest.  This is asking those lemon lovers out there to submit a photo of their best pucker face.  You can enter your own pucker face photo by visiting their Facebook page or tweeting.  You can see the complete details on their website here.  

More about Limoneira. . . 
Limoneira is in Ventura County, California.  They are one of the largest lemon producers in the US..  They also grow avocados too.  They have over 8,000 acres of area they grow on.  They are also concerned about sustainability.  They care about the communities around them.

The first thing I wanted to try with my Limoneira lemons was to have my kids try them with a candy stick.  I grew up in California and in elementary school we would do something special with fresh lemons every May.  I remember taking a candy stick and dipping it into the lemon and licking it.  It was like a yummy sweet and sour candy.  I introduced this to my kids with the Limoneira lemons and they really loved it.

I also made a really good lemon pound cake.  My family really loved this too and the lemon flavor was very intense.  This is a very lemony cake that is simple, but delicious.  You can see my recipe below. 

Lemony Pound Cake


1 cup melted margarine
2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
3 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 cup milk
4 beaten eggs
1/4 tsp. lemon zest
2 TB lemon juice

1/3 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup sugar

Melt the margarine and stir in the sugar.  Then add the eggs with an electric mixer.  Mix in the lemon juice and zest.  Add the salt, flour, baking powder.  Mix in the 1 cup of milk until the batter is smooth.

Grease 2 loaf pans.  Bake 45 minutes to 1 hour at 325 degrees.  You can tell the cake is done when a toothpick comes out clean.

Mix the 1/3 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup sugar together.

When cakes are removed use a toothpick to pierce the cake in a number of places.  Pour the lemon juice/sugar mixture over the top of the cakes.  Allow it to absorb and then serve.

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This is just one great idea on how you can use Limoneira lemons.  How would you use them.  Lemons are great just sliced and added to water too.  You can see some of the great lemons I received in the photos above.  I received some Eureka Lemons, Meyer Lemons, and Pink Lemons. You can visit their website to learn about more great lemon ideas.  

You can also connect with Limoneira on Facebook and Twitter too.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255

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