Wednesday, June 4, 2014

CTC Math Online Math Tutor #Giveaway 6/11 CLOSED

Disclosure - free sample provided.

My kids got out of school last week, and I have been looking for great ways to keep them learning throughout the Summer.  There are many online learning programs available, but not all of them are created equal.  My kids have used some of these and sometimes get frustrated.  Some are not easy to use, or they are just plain confusing.  I want to introduce you to CTC Math.  This is an easy to use online math tutor.  I was completely impressed from the minute we logged in.

CTC Math is an online math tutor that makes learning math easy.  I love that I can easily track my child's progress too!  The program offers material starting at Kindergarten level, but it goes all the way up to high school level.  CTC Math uses a series of simple tutorials that your child will watch.  I love the way that the material is presented in these videos.  It clearly explains the concept in a very simple to understand manner.  Your child can click on the type of lesson they want to work on.  They watch the video, and then there is a series of online questions that they answer.  The videos are interactive.  My children answer the questions in the video as they are watching it.  I am truly impressed with how much my kids are picking up from this wonderful program.

CTC Math is also great because you can pick and choose what topic you want your child to learn.  You can also jump from one grade level to another.  I find that sometimes my kids need a little more of a challenge, and you can move to the next grade easily.  We started with the 2nd grade material for my 7 year old.  We found that it was too easy for her because she took 2nd grade math last year.  We were easily able to click back in the CTC Math and go into the 3rd grade material.  We found this to be a great fit for her skill set, and she enjoyed being challenged.  CTC Math also offers some interactive games for added practice that I know will come in handy this Summer.  This is a great way to improve speed on math facts!

I know that CTC Math is going to be a great tool for us to use over the Summer break, but also to continue to use throughout the net school year to reinforce different skills.  You can learn more about CTC Math by visiting their website.  You can also play a sample lesson, and see if this would be a good fit for your child.  You can also connect with CTC Math on Facebook.

Giveaway - Enter to win a subscription to CTC Math!

Open to US residents 18 years of age and older.  The giveaway will end on 6/11/14 at 8:59 PM PST.  The winner will be chosen randomly.  The winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to contact me back to claim their prize.  Mommie of 2 is not responsible for lost prizes or prizes that are not received.  Bloggers that have reviewed for this company are not eligible to win.  If you have won a giveaway from this company on any blog then you are not eligible to win.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.  My participation is voluntary.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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