Monday, March 12, 2012

Krema Peanut Butter Review

Krema is an all natural peanut butter that is delicious.  Krema is very different from your average peanut butter you would buy from the grocery store.  It is natural, so you will have to stir it.  It is not difficult to stir either.  It mixes together easily.    It is made with just peanuts!  It has nothing else added to it.  You really can tell the difference because it has an amazing taste.  I will tell you not to expect it to be sweet like many peanut butters.  I would suggest adding some honey or use jam with it if you want it sweeter.  I personally ate it on top of an English muffin and drizzled a tiny bit of honey on it too.  It comes in two varieties.  They offer a smooth and creamy type along with crunchy.  I like them both.  My son loved the creamy kind.  Krema uses high quality ingredients.  They use the best peanuts out there that come from Georgia.  It shows in the taste of the peanut butter.  It has no extra salt, hydrogenated oil or sugar added to it.

I loved the taste of Krema peanut butter!  It has a pure taste that I love.  It is a product that I feel good about giving my family.  My son eats peanut butter sandwiches a few times a week and this is great for that.  I like that the Krema peanut butter is so creamy that it is still spreadable after being in the fridge.

Krema also has a really neat section with recipes on their website.  I love incorporating peanut butter into baking and cooking.  They even have a recipe for Yummy Dog Treats!  Very neat.

Krema peanut butter is available in the Midwest and they also offer a brand on the East Coast called Crazy Richards.  Crazy Richards is the exact same peanut butter, but it has a different name.  If you can't find this wonderful peanut butter in your area there is always an option to purchase it from their website.

You can also connect with Krema on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure - I received a free sample to facilitate my review.  No monetary compensation was provided.  All opinions are completely my own.   I am disclosing in accordance with FTC 16 CFR Part 255.    

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